Il tempo al mattino era brutto e perciò c'erano poche persone proprio come piace a me.
On Easter day I went to Lake Orta (in Piemonte, region in the North Italy) with my family. It's a little lake. In its center there is the isle of San Giulio where you can visit the church dedicated to the Saint.
The weather was bad and so there were just few people (as I like it).
Poi a Pasquetta mi sono dedicata al mio Baltimora.........
Vi mostro alcune foto poichè nei commenti che mi avete lasciato (e dei quali vi ringrazio moltissimo) alcune quilters mi hanno chiesto che tecnica uso. Vediamo se riesco a farmi capire.
Con le sagome che ho preparato in cartoncino, cucio in doppio, poi li giro (se i pezzi sono sovrapposti lascio un' apertura, altrimenti faccio un taglietto sul retro), li stiro e li assemblo. Per il retro uso pezzetti di avanzi.
Per il momento li sto preparando senza finire i vari blocchi perchè il masling che serve per il fondo non mi è ancora arrivato.
On monday I worked at my Baltimora......
I show you some pictures because in the comments you left me (and I thank you very much for them) some quilters asked me
about the technic I use. Let's see if I am able to explain it.
With the templates that I do with the cardboard, I sew in double, then turn them (if the pieces are superimposed one upon another I leave a part opened, otherwise I cut a bit the backside), I iron and put them together.
I'm just prepearing the pieces without finishing the blocks because the masling I need for the background has not yet arrived.
18 commenti:
That was very educational and the flowers for the block looks great. I'm getting fired up to do some applique!
I have been to the area you visited. Your blog made me wish I could go there again. It's been more than 40 years since I was there! I can't believe I'm so old. And I love your Baltimore block.
What lovely photos...makes me wish I could be there. You are making a beautiful Baltimore block.
Oh I do want to go back to Italy this year, you are tempting me with those photos :) I love your Baltimore, and it looks like a fun way to do it.
In effetti questo metodo è veloce e semplice,lo a volte mi fa troppo spessore con l' voi che tipo di imbottitura usate??grazie Teo!!
questa tecnica non la sapevo per il Baltimora !!è facile e veloce ma come dice Diana non è grossa per la trapuntatura?quando andrai ha trapuntare avrai 4 stratti o i fiori non li trapunti?
Teodolinda, anche tu pasquetta patch! Sai vero che ora il Baltimora mi tenta sempre di più? Già mi piaceva prima, ora che vedo i tuoi passi mi tenta ancora di più!
Grazie per tutte le tentazioni :)
What beautiful photo's, and I just love your Baltimore blocks.
Fantastic work !!
Diana e Flo i fiori non hanno imbottitura e dopo averli applicati a mano sul blocco si trapunta il fondo e non i fiori.
ciao ciao
Uso pure io questo sistema, solo che sul rovescio uso fliselina, così quando la giro e la stiro resta ben ferma sulla base
that is going to be a beautiful baltimore block! I love how you cut the pattern of the fabric to work for you! I believe we call that fussy cutting. It looks really great!
your Baltimore quilt is going to look lovely. Thank you for sharing the photos of Italy.
Your baltimore will be magnificent
Such a beautiful lake. It looks like a place I really must visit one day.
Thank you for you information about how you do the Baltimore quilt. Very good idea.
I cannot believe it! we work both on Baltimore, but each of us secretly apart in each country at very big distance...what a great coincidence! I love Baltimore for the peace that gave me while I sew.
..and of course that I understand if you wrote to my blog in italian, the only problem is that I can't answer you back in it. Scusa mi. ;))
A friend of mine uses the same applique technique that you are doing. It gives so much dimension to the blocks.
I love your fabric choices! And your *fussy cutting* is going to give your Baltimore even more texture and character!
Love seeing your progress, Teodo! Keep us informed!
Ah...I was totally wrapped up in your Baltimore...that I forgot to mention that I loved your Easter tour! So nice of you to take photos to share with us. I love cloudy, gloomy days like long as they don't stay forever. (That's a strange trait about me...but what can I say?!)
Ciao ;-)
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