Sapete tutti quanto sono golosa?! Molto golosa!!!
E allora vi auguro BUONA PASQUA con il bellissimo uovo di cioccolato fatto da Andrea,
il bravissimo pasticcere della Ferrea (pasticceria) che c'è di fronte a casa mia.
Adesso avete capito perchè sono golosa.
Do you know I'm greedy?! So greedy!!!
And so I wish you HAPPY EASTER with this beautiful chocolate egg done by Andrea,
the very competent cake man of FERREA (a cake shop) in front of my house.
Now can you understand why I'm greedy.
21 commenti:
Alos Happy Easter to you. What a pretty chocolate egg.
I have been visiting your blog a couple of time now - you have made lovely quilts
Greetings from Denmark
I had to smile when I saw this big chocolate egg because it´s a memory of my childhood. We´ve been over 10 years in Italy (Venezia) at Easter and every year my brother and I got such an egg :-)!
Buona Pasqua!
Mille saluti, Verena
What a beautiful egg! Much nicer than the mass-produced ones. Enjoy and Happy Easter to you too.
You have every right to be greedy for looks like the yummiest chocolate egg one could ever hope for! Happy Easter to you as well! :)
caspita !!!
I wish you also a Happy Easter and thanks for your lovely comments.
I hop you get to eat your egg all by yourself! (But not all in one sitting!)
Happy Easter and enjoy your chocolate egg!!:)))
Bye Barbara
Buona Pasqua anche a te!!! Wow!! Linda questo uovo è una meraviglia non si può non essere golosi con una pasticceria davanti a casa! LOL!!!
Abbracci ;))))
Tanti auguri!!!!
Anche ai toui figli e marito.
P.s.: mica si può non essere golosi se davati casa creano quelle meraviglie :)
That is a wonderful Easter Egg. You are lucky to have such a bakery right across the street - or maybe not :))
Have a Happy Easter.
Uovo spettacolare, magari di cioccolatto fondente la mia passione. Anche da me meravigliosa Pasqua
Ti mando i miei auguri per Pasqua!!
Buona Pasqua a te e a tua famiglia.
Anche io sono golosissima.
BUONA PASQUA ha te e alla tua famiglia l'uovo è bellissimo come si fà ha non essere golosi!!
Happy Easter to you too. That's a pretty chocolate egg. You probably ate it already, so you can't share, right?
MMMMMMMMMMM Tomorrow I'll have my egg's portion too
I wish you a beautiful Easter
Happy Easter to you too Teodo. In France the eggs are brought by the churchbells on their way bach from ROMA, I wonder if it is the same in Italy? Anyway enjoy yours, it looks very appetizing!
Buona Pasqua!
Joyeuses Pâques pour toi aussi!
Amicalement, Smaranda
That is one of the prettiest Easter sights I've seen! Yum!! Too pretty to eat... nah!
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